29 Dec 2011


Keys For Avast:

2068 to 2075     S7502701M8750S1169-D0KDBB8H

2009 to 2038     S5073670R9951A0911-KHRWF1KC

2105 to 2038     S89883292R9900Y9999-MT09NNDE

2005 to 2012     W2425780R8800Y1106-B2776UDE

2008 to 2038     S3564026R9961A0910-EHW91PYP


Do you carry sensitive data in your pen drive? Then you should carefully keep your pen drive. Oh! You mean you are not that careful too. Then I would suggest that you should password protect your pen drive. Yes folks, you can do this by a simple method. This is an added advantage to Windows Vista and Windows 7 users that they can easily password protect their pen drives with the help of BitLocker Drive encryption. Its an inbuilt feature of both of these OS.
Today we will try to understand that how we can password protect our pen drive. But before going to the process we must consider the advantages which you get by doing this.
  • First of all your data remains safe. Nobody other than you can decrypt or unlock the pen drive.
  • Secondly, if any how your pen drive is lost or gets stolen then also no one can use it without unlocking it with the help of correct password. 

Process For Password Protection of Pendrive:
  • Insert your pen drive which you want to password protect.
  • Click start and open Control Panel.
    (Quick Tip : To skip the next three steps  type BitLocker in the search box and hit enter.)

  • Go to System and Security > BitLocker Drive Encryption.

  • Find your pen drive listed amongst all the drives.
  • Turn on Bitlocker for your pen drive. System will few seconds to turn this feature on.

  • A window will open in front of you asking your desired password which you want to keep for your pen drive. Click next when you done with setting up the password.

  • Store your recovery key at your desired place. Click next to continue. Recovery key can be used if in case you forget your set password.

  • System will ask you to start encryption for your pen drive. Encryption will take some time.

  • Once the encryption is over you will see a lock symbol on your pen drive icon.

  • Remove the pen drive and re-insert it. System will ask you to enter the password to access the data.

    So this is how you can password protect your pen drive. Encrypting data with the help of BitLocker Drive encryption is really simple. Just follow this process and get rid of your tension of losing your data.


www.w3schools.com is a very useful site for the beginners in htmljavacssphp and other languages. This site provides nice examples and codes to learn the language. I am providing the complete site so that you can learn even if you are not online. Simply download the file, extract it and browse this site offline, anytime, anywhere.
download it from here 


If your computer become slow, when you are working with many programs. It may be due to RAM because at that time RAM is full of remaining progress pieces which you are working with and you do not need them any more. So, if you can erase or delete those unnecessary pieces of information, your computer RAM will be cleaned and your computer will be speed up.

 Cleaning RAM is very easy task here are steps for it, just follow them:

1). Open notepad.

2). Type FreeMem=Space(64000000).

3). Save file with name "CleanRAM.vbs".

4). Close it and run the file.

It will free memory in RAM, if you want to free more memory than you can write following command in notepad instead of what given in step 2.

FreeMem= (256000000) for 256 mb
FreeMem= (128000000) for 128 mb
FreeMem= (72000000) for 72 mb
FreeMem= (64000000) for 64 mb
FreeMem= (32000000) for 32 mb
FreeMem= (24000000) for 24 mb

Make sure that you don't select the memory that is larger than your memory capacity.