19 Nov 2012

java networking questions

1. Socket Questions

1.1 Should I use ServerSocket or DatagramSocket in my applications?
1.2 How do I get the IP address of a machine from its hostname?
1.3 How do I perform a hostname lookup for an IP address?
1.4 How can I find out who is accessing my server?
1.5 How can I find out the current IP address for my machine?
1.6 Why can't my applet connect via sockets, or bind to a local port?
1.7 What are socket options, and why should I use them?
1.8 When my client connects to my server, why does no data come out?
1.9 What is the cause of a NoRouteToHost exception?
2. HTTP Questions
2.1 How do I display a particular web page from an applet?
2.2 How do I display more than one page from an applet?
2.3 How can I fetch files using HTTP?
2.4 How do I use a proxy server for HTTP requests?
2.5 What is a malformed URL, and why is it exceptional?
2.6 How do I URL encode the parameters of a CGI script?
2.7 Why is a security exception thrown when using java.net.URL or
      java.net.URLConnection from an applet?
2.8 How do I prevent caching of HTTP requests?

Advanced programming questions
3. Advanced networking concepts
3.1 How do I handle timeouts in my networking applications?
3.2 How do I control the amount of time a socket will linger before resetting?
3.3 What does the java.net.Socket.setTcpNoDelay method do, and what is Nagle's algorithm?
3.4 How do I implement a (FTP/HTTP/Telnet/Finger/SMTP/POP/IMAP/..../) client/server?
3.5 How do I implement PING in Java?
3.6 How can I send/receive email from Java?
4. Remote method invocation
4.1 What is remote method invocation?
4.2 When should I use remote method invocation?
4.3 Why can't I access RMI from C++?
4.4 Why won't my RMI implementation compile under JDK1.1?
4.5 Why won't my RMI implementation run under Java 2?
5. Common Object Request Broker Architecture
5.1 What is CORBA?
5.2 When should I use CORBA?
5.3 What support does Java have for CORBA?
5.4 How do I start the CORBA nameservice for Java 2?
6. Servlets
6.1 What are Java Servlets?
6.2 What do I need to develop servlets?
6.3 Where can I get more information on servlets?
6.4 How does servlet performance compare to applets?
6.5 How does servlet performance compare to CGI?
6.6 Should I use single-threaded, or multi-threaded, servlets?
6.7 How do I send cookies from a servlet?
6.8 How do I read browser cookies from a servlet?
6.9 How do I make cookies expire after a set time period?
6.10 Why aren't cookies stored by my servlets accessible to my CGI scripts or ASP pages?
6.11 How can I void a cookie, and delete it from the browser?