IIT Kanpur is in search for suitable Indian Nationals for appointment on regular/ contract basis for 5 years (likely to be confirmed, subject to noteworthy performance) on the following posts.
Assistant Registrar : 04 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 grade pay Rs.5400/-
Superintendent : 05 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 grade pay Rs.4600/-
Technical Superintendent : 05 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 grade pay Rs.4600/-
Application Fee : Rs.500/- for the post no. 1 and Bank draft of Rs. 250/- for the posts 2 to 3, drawn in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, IIT KANPUR” payable at Kanpu. SC/ST/PH candidates exempted for fee.
How to Apply : Apply Online at IIT Kanpur website The print out of completed application along with all relevant supporting documents and prescribed Demand Draft in original must reach the Institute on or before July 26, 2013. Persons serving in Govt./ Semi-Govt./ PSUs, should send the print out of completed application along with all relevant supporting documents and prescribed Demand Draft in original THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL, failing which such persons shall be required to produce NOC at the time of Interview, provided they must have sent an Advance Copy along with DEMAND DRAFT in original. The envelope, containing complete application, should be super-scribed as “Application for the post of ……………….”.
General Instructions:
1. For appointments, preference will be given to Physically Handicapped candidate(s), if suitable PH candidates are available.
2. The SC/ST and OBCs are required to attach the Caste Certificate in the format as prescribed by the Govt. of India. (b) The Institute follows the Central list in the case of SC/ST and OBCs.
3. The Institute reserves the right to assign/ transfer the selected candidates elsewhere within the Institute and appointment will be offered accordingly.
4. Requirement of experience is relaxable at the discretion of the competent authority in the cases of SCs and STs. The Institute reserves the right to relax the age (Up to Maximum Five Years)/ any of the qualifications/ experience in exceptional cases of meritorious candidates. Higher initial basic pay may be given to exceptionally qualified and deserving candidate(s).
5. The Institute reserves its right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for test or interview. (b) Fulfillment of qualifications per-se does not entitle a candidate to be called for test or interview.
6. The selection process will consist of written test and Interview for the posts at Sl. Nos.1 & 2 and for Sl. No.3 the selection process will consist of trade test (Written and practical) & interview. No TA will be paid for written test. However, the candidates called for interview will be paid AC- II (Rajdhani Exp. also)
7. Applications should be accompanied with a non-refundable demand draft of Rs.500/- for the post at Sl.No.1 and Rs.250/- for the posts at Sl. Nos.2 & 3 drawn in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, IIT KANPUR” payable at KANPUR. The issuing date of demand draft should be within the duration of Advertisement.
8. Incomplete applications, without relevant supporting documents, without prescribed demand draft and if received after closing date i.e. 26.07.2013 will be out rightly rejected. Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay. Interim correspondence will not be entertained or replied to.
1. For appointments, preference will be given to Physically Handicapped candidate(s), if suitable PH candidates are available.
2. The SC/ST and OBCs are required to attach the Caste Certificate in the format as prescribed by the Govt. of India. (b) The Institute follows the Central list in the case of SC/ST and OBCs.
3. The Institute reserves the right to assign/ transfer the selected candidates elsewhere within the Institute and appointment will be offered accordingly.
4. Requirement of experience is relaxable at the discretion of the competent authority in the cases of SCs and STs. The Institute reserves the right to relax the age (Up to Maximum Five Years)/ any of the qualifications/ experience in exceptional cases of meritorious candidates. Higher initial basic pay may be given to exceptionally qualified and deserving candidate(s).
5. The Institute reserves its right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for test or interview. (b) Fulfillment of qualifications per-se does not entitle a candidate to be called for test or interview.
6. The selection process will consist of written test and Interview for the posts at Sl. Nos.1 & 2 and for Sl. No.3 the selection process will consist of trade test (Written and practical) & interview. No TA will be paid for written test. However, the candidates called for interview will be paid AC- II (Rajdhani Exp. also)
7. Applications should be accompanied with a non-refundable demand draft of Rs.500/- for the post at Sl.No.1 and Rs.250/- for the posts at Sl. Nos.2 & 3 drawn in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, IIT KANPUR” payable at KANPUR. The issuing date of demand draft should be within the duration of Advertisement.
8. Incomplete applications, without relevant supporting documents, without prescribed demand draft and if received after closing date i.e. 26.07.2013 will be out rightly rejected. Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay. Interim correspondence will not be entertained or replied to.
Tentative Last Date:17-07-2013
About the organization:
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur is engaged in carrying out original research of significance and technology development at the cutting edge.It imparts training to students so that they become competent and motivated engineers and scientists. The Institute celebrates freedom of thought, cultivates vision and encourages growth, but also inculcates human values and concern for the environment and the society. The Institute awards Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees in various branches of technology and science. It has been making special efforts to recruit talented faculty on a world-wide basis and to admit bright students from all over the country by a careful selection process (JEE/GATE/CAT/JAM).
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur is engaged in carrying out original research of significance and technology development at the cutting edge.It imparts training to students so that they become competent and motivated engineers and scientists. The Institute celebrates freedom of thought, cultivates vision and encourages growth, but also inculcates human values and concern for the environment and the society. The Institute awards Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees in various branches of technology and science. It has been making special efforts to recruit talented faculty on a world-wide basis and to admit bright students from all over the country by a careful selection process (JEE/GATE/CAT/JAM).
Address :
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur
Recruitment Section, Room No. 224,
2nd Floor (Faculty Building),
IIT KANPUR – 208 016 (U.P.) INDIA.
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur
Recruitment Section, Room No. 224,
2nd Floor (Faculty Building),
IIT KANPUR – 208 016 (U.P.) INDIA.
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